Success is in the Present; Failure is in the Future
When you don’t think you can accomplish your goal, it’s because you’re looking too far down the road.
You’re thinking of all the things that could go wrong and of all the obstacles you must overcome, none of which exist if you can focus on the immediate.
When you’re overwhelmed and you’re afraid you won’t be able to achieve your goal, focus on what you can do right this minute.
Make it small enough that you’ll actually do it. [Read more…]
Fear of Success vs Fear of Failure
There are few reasons why we do not achieve our dreams.
Yes, there are “acts of God.”
Philosophically, one might even accept fate or destiny as insurmountable barriers. Yet, aside from those, the immense majority of people living lives of quiet desperation reside there because of what’s going on in their minds more than on our planet. With credit to Walt Kelly, “We have met the enemy and he is us.” We — not others — are more times than not, our worst adversaries.
I mean this not in a condescending, judgmental manner, as one might hear from no-nonsense hyper-achievers, “Just pull yourself up from the bootstraps, suck it in, and get it done. Don’t be such a wimp!” One cannot change years of brain wave patterns in the same manner in which he switches on or off a light. Negative thoughts today — click — positive henceforth. My objective today is also not designed to illustrate how messed up we are; I don’t think that’s true, we’re all doing the best we know how to do.
With appropriate disclaimers admitted, if we accept that we are standing in our own way, it begs the question, “Why would we do that?” Why do we NOT reach further, dream larger, and believe better?
The primary answer is: Fear; Fear of Success, and its dastardly sibling, Fear of Failure.
What’s the Least Expensive Diet?
With more than a third of Americans being obese, the US diet industry is booming.
However, many of the diets out there are not only precarious in terms of ethics, they can also pack a financial punch. Fad diets have taken over and stuck expensive price tags all over an industry already full of mixed messages.
One diet in particular, which involves consuming large amounts of protein and fat, can cost several dollars per meal. However, with diets such as this being lorded as a positive step in the journey to weight loss and a ‘better you’, it’s difficult for those new to the weight loss industry to decipher what the most affordable diets may be for their budget.
Some diet regimes may seem cheap at only a couple of dollars per meal. However, added costs such as subscription fees are often forgotten and can get expensive if your weight loss stutters. This puts an already stressed dieter under yet more pressure, potentially resulting in failure.