Beating Yourself Up Does Not Work
Don’t beat yourself up over what you are not doing well.
Yes, you were an adult. Yes, you might even have been a responsible adult. However, could the “18-year-old you” juggle all the responsibilities you now have and effectively run the life you have today?
The answer is obviously NO.
Even at your current age, there are tools and skills you do not have. More importantly, you don’t even know you don’t have them yet.
They will be there when you need them. Berating yourself will not make them appear any quicker. Quite the contrary, it will help you feel bad and make you more inclined to give up.
There are tools to life you do not have right now. You will have them when you need them.
By the way, you have tools you no longer need. It’s OK to let them go. [Read more…]