It’s essential to take time for YOU.
There is an acronym for when you’re most inclined to engage in bad habits.
It’s called “HALT.”
Whatever “bad” habit you have is most inclined to be activated when you are: [Read more…]
Getting Past What Holds You Back with Baby Boomer Weight Loss Expert Scott 'Q' Marcus
There is an acronym for when you’re most inclined to engage in bad habits.
Whatever “bad” habit you have is most inclined to be activated when you are: [Read more…]
Of course you do; we all do.
Let me explain.
I was just walking Jack, my dog, and found this sign on the side of the road. In actuality, it’s about the size of a business card and I doubt if very many people even notice it. I did (obviously). It was a nice moment in the middle of our walk (which I would not have had if Jack didn’t need to do his business).