Two good friends of mine, Jay Forte and Jeff Appelbaum, are celebrating their anniversary together. They wrote a beautiful tribute to love on their Facebook page. I was so touched and inspired by this life-affirming vision of love that I asked their permission to post it, which they granted to me.
Kick the Winter Blues: Home Improvement Tips to Avoid Seasonal Depression
According to Medline Plus, depression affects more than 20 million Americans.
For many people, winter complicates the issue by bringing about yearly battles with Seasonal Depression (also referred to as Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD). A three decade-long study by the experts at News in Health, indicated that between one and 10 percent of the U.S. population suffers from SAD, but there’s hope. Light therapy helps ease symptoms. Fellowship with other people also helps, as does behavioral changes. If you’ve been diagnosed with SAD, focus on staying social and take on a home improvement project to your channel your focus.
These three household projects will crank up your interaction with others, while allowing multiple benefits along the way:
[Read more…]
Pocket Motivation: The 5 Best Weight Loss Apps
Now that you’re addicted, ahem, acclimated to your smartphone, you’ve undoubtedly started downloading a multitude of apps. Glorious, glorious apps! And studies have shown that keeping track of your food intake is one of the easiest ways to achieve your weight loss goals, and what’s easier than using a device you already keep on you 24/7? But, as you’ve undoubtedly also heard, it’s just an important to stay active. Staying healthy or losing weight is hard work, so here are five of the best apps for exercise, healthy eating and weight management.
1. Lose it!
By inputting both your current weight and goal weight, the app calculates an estimated number of calories to eat per day and helps you stay committed to small healthy habits that lead to big results. Finding and logging said foods is also as easy as scanning bar codes to pull nutritional information from a massive food database. This nifty feature helps you stay accurate when grabbing snacks on the go. [Read more…]
It’s OK to Make Mistakes
People will love you even if you make mistakes.
They just expect you to admit them and try and correct them.
Think about how you react to someone who made a mistake and then owned up to it versus someone who refuses to admit she’s wrong. It’s not that people expect us to be perfect any more than we expect them to be perfect.
We expect mistakes.
We also expect honesty and a sincere desire to make right on those mistakes.
Try something new. Make a mistake. Own it. Ask for help.
And then move on – and do it all over again.
Note: Every Monday, a new motivational memo is posted. Subscribers to’s coaching service get this – and many more benefits – sent to them directly. If you’d like to know more, follow this link.
Socializing Without Eating: Is it Really Possible?
I hadn’t seen her in years even though we live in the same town.
You know how it is, I’m busy, so is he. Time got away from us. It’s not like we had a disagreement, or we didn’t want to see each other; it’s just that, well, life kicked in…
I answered the phone, “Hey Scott,” says she, “I just realized that we haven’t gotten together in a long time and we’ve got so much to catch up on. I thought we could schedule a time.”
“Sounds great,” I replied, “I can do lunch next Thursday. If that doesn’t work, we could get coffee in the afternoon, or, on Wednesday, we could meet early and grab a bagel. Where would you like to go?”
She responded, “You know the park with the duck pond?”
“Yes, the one with all the trails?”
“Yeah, that one. What about Thursday at noon?”
“Sure, that works for me. But I’m not familiar with any restaurants there.”
“There aren’t any. I’ve been trying to get in shape, and I know you’re always watching your weight, so I thought we could walk and talk. It would be nice to catch up outside.”
And so we did. But, can I be honest? It felt really weird; kind of like wearing someone else’s clothes. It seems normal enough at first glance, but you just can’t get comfortable.
I mean, think about it, what’s one of the first questions we ask when we decide to meet up with someone: Lunch or coffee? If you really wanted to crash our economy, ban meetings in restaurants or coffee houses.