Pocket Motivation: The 5 Best Weight Loss Apps
Now that you’re addicted, ahem, acclimated to your smartphone, you’ve undoubtedly started downloading a multitude of apps. Glorious, glorious apps! And studies have shown that keeping track of your food intake is one of the easiest ways to achieve your weight loss goals, and what’s easier than using a device you already keep on you 24/7? But, as you’ve undoubtedly also heard, it’s just an important to stay active. Staying healthy or losing weight is hard work, so here are five of the best apps for exercise, healthy eating and weight management.
1. Lose it!
By inputting both your current weight and goal weight, the app calculates an estimated number of calories to eat per day and helps you stay committed to small healthy habits that lead to big results. Finding and logging said foods is also as easy as scanning bar codes to pull nutritional information from a massive food database. This nifty feature helps you stay accurate when grabbing snacks on the go. [Read more…]
How Much Work Does Your Relationship Require?
If your long term relationship seems like all work and no play for a long time, it’s in trouble.

On the other hand, if it’s all play and no work for a long time, it’s not real – and it won’t last when things get tough. (And all relationships have tough times.)
Honest adult relationships are about 80% companionship and 20% business.
If you cannot “do business” together, you won’t be able to live together. Conversely, if it’s all business, it feels like you’ve never left the job – and who needs that?
Take time every day to make sure you work well together and that you spend time together.
(Yes, we lead busy lives, but if we cannot take 20 minutes a day for the most important person in our lives, than is he or she really that important to us?)
Increase Your Happiness Quota with Better Work-Life Balance
by Samantha Rodgers
If the amount of happiness you feel has started lagging behind stress and negative emotions, it’s probably a symptom of a work-life balance that’s out of whack. [Read more…]
Choosing Skills or Attitude
A positive attitude with poor skills is more likely to help your success than great skills with a poor attitude.
But, work on your skills anyway.
Knowing how to do something well is important. But doing it with a bad attitude diminishes your achievements.
Take pride in what you do. Encourage others. Help them in their journey. (But don’t forget to keep on working on your own skills too.) [Read more…]