I received some great advice from a long-term friend on what to do when you can’t handle the stress.
Getting Past What Holds You Back with Baby Boomer Weight Loss Expert Scott 'Q' Marcus
You’ll relate to this very funny video about a stressed man at work.
Even though we live in a society where more things are automated than ever before, it seems that the amount of responsibility that most people feel is weighing them down is only increasing. If you are stressed out, if you that stress is taking over your life, there is a good chance that you are not making the best possible decisions.
While there is a thin line between a moderate amount of stress (which can provide you with great results) and an oppressive and unproductive level of stress, it is important to balance the line for yourself. The best way to avoid this ‘consuming’ form of stress is by keeping your stress at a manageable level. If you want to learn how to manage your daily stress level, just follow these four steps. [Read more…]
Everything we do is driven by the desire to make our lives easier, better, or in some way enhanced. Most of the time, it’s a small thing. Periodically, it’s a large thing.
Even when you do something this is NOT helpful, the underlying goal was to make your life better. For example, if you eat too much, your goal is to find some joy, deal with stress, or feel comforted (as examples). However, the way you’re accomplishing those objectives is counterproductive long-term to what you want in the short term. [Read more…]