Today’s memo is in reply to a subscriber’s question.
She asked, “If I could do only one thing to change my bad habit, what would you suggest?”
My answer was immediate: [Read more…]
Getting Past What Holds You Back with Baby Boomer Weight Loss Expert Scott 'Q' Marcus
Today’s memo is in reply to a subscriber’s question.
My answer was immediate: [Read more…]
One of the biggest reasons we give up is we feel that it takes too much energy to resist whatever temptation we face. The thought of “going without” for long periods of time is daunting, overwhelming – and quite frankly – depressing.
The solution is to realize that willpower does not have to mean “forever,” it can simply mean “for the next few minutes.”
If you’re tempted to give up on your goals because you don’t feel you have the strength to stick with your plan, simply make a commitment that you’ll stick with it for the next ten minutes. That’s all. Most of the time, you’ll find the urge to give up passes in a few moments and before you know it, you’re back on track.
Note: Every Monday, a new motivational memo is posted. Subscribers to’s coaching service get this – and many more benefits – sent to them directly. If you’d like to know more, follow this link.
They say, “Eat less and exercise more; the weight will practically fall off.” They also say, “getting started is the hardest part.” Of course, garrulous as They are, They make sure to point out you shouldn’t have waited so long before taking care of yourself. Whoever “They” are, They sure have a lot to say about how to run your life, don’t They?
They also tell you that if you keep a new habit in place for only three weeks, it will be adapted into your life. I’m not sure I agree. I’ve been dieting since before they invited sugar-free cola and non-fat yogurt — considerably more than three weeks — and I still find healthy eating a challenge, especially when stressed with organizing my taxes, calling the plumber to fix a plugged toilet, and trying to find a few seconds for my family. In those moments, a double-bacon, cheesy, chiliburger and gargantuan order of fries still shout pretty loud.
Yet, if you have ever tried to adjust habits, you have faced the dreaded (insert ominous music here…) “Three Week Barrier.”