Today’s memo is in reply to a subscriber’s question.
She asked, “If I could do only one thing to change my bad habit, what would you suggest?”
My answer was immediate: [Read more…]
Getting Past What Holds You Back with Baby Boomer Weight Loss Expert Scott 'Q' Marcus
Today’s memo is in reply to a subscriber’s question.
My answer was immediate: [Read more…]
Since the “great recession” of 2008 (which appears to still be in process) came trampling through our economic landscape, I have been — like so many others — waiting and hoping for the rebuilding. When will things get back to how they were? Can we soon return to easier times of job security and stable wages? My ship is weary of white caps; I long to navigate calm seas. When can we be there?
While pondering such issues, it fell hard on me, like a load of gold bricks sold on many radio talk shows as a “hedge against hard times.” The economy — and our lifestyle — will NEVER return to how it was. The “good old days” (such as they were) are in the rear view mirror and we have no reverse gear. We cannot turn around and they will not come back.
That’s an upsetting — some might say “terrifying” — concept. Never again will we be able to conduct our lives and businesses like we did “back then.” What we are now experiencing is — and will continue to be — the “New Normal.” Until our last days, and those of our grandchildren, “different” will be “ordinary.” Future generations will study the heyday of the 1990s and early 2000s much the same as we picture the gay 1890s or the early 1920s; wild, excessive, booming — and only imaginable as images in history books.
I don’t mean to be a downer, but it’s time we bow to an ever-apparent reality and accept facts for what they are, not what we long for them to be. Denying the obvious delays the inevitable, which furthers great hurt and denigrates our lives. Striving to maintain an illusory status quo by rejecting reality prolongs its effects; and makes worse the pain.
Having said that, I do pride myself on being positive, while understanding that the set up of this column might appear less than optimistic. Yet, it can be. Due to this unhappy situation in which we find ourselves mired, we are becoming more resourceful, better planning our expenses, accepting gratification in that which we took for granted previously, and we are contributing more to our local communities.
They say, “Eat less and exercise more; the weight will practically fall off.” They also say, “getting started is the hardest part.” Of course, garrulous as They are, They make sure to point out you shouldn’t have waited so long before taking care of yourself. Whoever “They” are, They sure have a lot to say about how to run your life, don’t They?
They also tell you that if you keep a new habit in place for only three weeks, it will be adapted into your life. I’m not sure I agree. I’ve been dieting since before they invited sugar-free cola and non-fat yogurt — considerably more than three weeks — and I still find healthy eating a challenge, especially when stressed with organizing my taxes, calling the plumber to fix a plugged toilet, and trying to find a few seconds for my family. In those moments, a double-bacon, cheesy, chiliburger and gargantuan order of fries still shout pretty loud.
Yet, if you have ever tried to adjust habits, you have faced the dreaded (insert ominous music here…) “Three Week Barrier.”