What is your intention?
The spoken word is the least important part of communication.
Studies have shown that over 90% of communication is non-verbal, such as tone of voice and body language. So, since attitude obviously communicates, make sure you attitude is “clean” before talking to others.
Ask yourself, “What do I want to come from this communication?”
For example, some intentions might be:
- I want someone to know how I feel
- I need more information
- I want to “teach a lesson”
- I am looking for a deeper relationship
- I want to resolve a conflict
Notice how each intention will change the outcome of the communication.
The problem is most people never take the time to figure out what they’re looking for BEFORE they start talking.
The result is they rarely get what they wanted, probably because they were unsure what it was in the first place.
Note: Scott speaks and coaches regularly on communication and attitude. If you would like to know more about this, visit this page or contact him directly.
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