If your long term relationship seems like all work and no play for a long time, it’s in trouble.
On the other hand, if it’s all play and no work for a long time, it’s not real – and it won’t last when things get tough. (And all relationships have tough times.)
Honest adult relationships are about 80% companionship and 20% business.
If you cannot “do business” together, you won’t be able to live together. Conversely, if it’s all business, it feels like you’ve never left the job – and who needs that?
Take time every day to make sure you work well together and that you spend time together.
(Yes, we lead busy lives, but if we cannot take 20 minutes a day for the most important person in our lives, than is he or she really that important to us?)
Every Monday, a new motivational memo is posted by Scott “Q” Marcus, Motivational Weight Loss Speaker and Life Balance and Productivity Expert. Subscribers to 21DayHabitChange.com and Scott’s coaching service get this – and many more benefits – sent to them directly. If you’d like to know more, follow this link.
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