Nothing directly inspirational nor motivational about this. It’s just fun. Enjoy.
Man Creates Kinetic Sculpture That Moves and Lives on its Own
OK, I’ll admit, when I first saw the first video below, I thought it was cool. However, I did not consider it to be “alive.” However, after you watch the second video, I think you might – like me – consider these sculptures to actually be alive. They have survival mechanisms and simple brains. Either way, these two videos will fascinate you. Enjoy
Video #1 is a short video from the BBC about the creatures created by Theo Jansen.
– Watch more Videos at Vodpod.
The second video is a TED video where Mr. Jansen explains how the creatures can adapt, survive, and even think.
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-20
- The Monday Motivational Memo on being grateful – especially in light of what’s happening in Japan. (Please pass it… #
- Especially in light of #helpjapan take a moment to realize how #fortunate you are today. #gratitude #attitude #
- #prayforjapan #helpjapan List of places accepting donations + powerful images & a reminder to create a disaster kit #
- Is Combo Pilling for Weight Loss a Good Idea? Combining Drugs Might Be Legal But Is It Safe?: #
- An intelligent, fun, animated video about what motivates us. Ten minutes – well worth your time. Watch it. #
- A fascinating, animated, informative ten minute video; well worth watching…. #
- How the Japanese catastrophe refocuses us and reminds of what’s important. Next week’s column… #
- How the Japanese earthquake & perspective causes us to really take a look at what matters in life. An article #
- Embracing the diversity of human beings makes us deliriously happy. Malcom Gladwell TED talk worth watching #
- My column just got picked up for the #Manteca Bulletin! (Latest column is at ) #
- The world seems like it’s going crazy. How’s your attitude holding up? Please (re)take this simple 4 question survey #
- RT @TheEllenShow: It’s a thin line… (too funny!) #
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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-13
- A great motivational video, worth checking out #
- It’s about 20 minutes but a great TED video about changing the word using art. Fascinating. Watch it. #
- Today’s Motivational Monday memo is about avoiding procrastination by actually delaying. How’s that possible? #
- @nvlawrence Just a quick thank you for posting my column in the Red Bluff Daily news. I appreciate it. #
- @Cathape Just a quick thank you for posting my column in the Red Bluff Daily news. I appreciate it.@ajones0_01 #
- @ajones0_01 Just a quick thank you for posting my column in the Red Bluff Daily news. I appreciate it. #
- @captloublowers Just a quick thank you for posting my column in the Red Bluff Daily news. I appreciate it. #
- Today’s Motivational Monday memo deals with handling being overwhelmed…. #
- This video will take about 20′ to watch but well worth it. Using art to change how the world (literally) views itself #
- Proven – happy people live longer. #
- What is the difference between persuading someone & manipulating someone? #
- Trying to lose weight? Combo pilling might be effective; but is it smart?… #
- Is combo-pilling for weight loss smart? It might be effective but what are the repercussions? #
- Common Sense Dieting: Bottom Line Is Calories In Versus Calories Out – No Matter What Else They Say: #
- I am feeling so overwhelmed by what is happening in Japan. It could so easily affect us here. I have put a page of… #
- Images, ways to help, and how to prepare for a disaster #prayforjapen #
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TED Video: Using Art to Turn the World Inside Out
Who says small changes can’t make a big difference?
This is an amazing concept. JR, a French street artist, uses his camera to show the world its true face – in the most literal sense. He makes his audacious TED Prize wish: to use art to turn the world inside out. A funny, moving talk about art and who we are.
Note: This video takes a very long time to load. Also, once it does, there will be a spinning circle that will stay on the screen for awhile. It will eventually vanish. It’s also easier to watch it if you blow it up to full size. All that said, it’s definitely worth the effort to watch it.
Learn more at