I think we’ve all seen lots of videos about what the media does to change the way women look – and the repercussions of that. This five minute video show lots of examples and is extremely powerful and shows how this practice affects all of us.
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-31
- Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-24 http://nblo.gs/kNuav #
- How’s your #attitude 4 quick anonymous questions: http://conta.cc/gDqBkV Thanks – and please RT #
- Monday Motivational Memo: Staying Motivated http://nblo.gs/kPXSY #
- Latest newsletter is on line with videos, humor, and inspiration pass it on. http://conta.cc/mQEYXH #thistimeimeanit #attitude #
- Thanks to Rich DiGirolamo for bringing this to my attention. It’s worth reading. http://fb.me/HyIrFlyp #
- Just got off the phone with my own coach. “Overwhelm” is the first step towards change! I guess I’m changing a lot! #
- Socializing Without Eating: Is it Really Possible? http://nblo.gs/kVKmT #
- This is an important – albeit alarming – story for middle aged women (some of my favorite people)…. http://fb.me/EIBbMZ64 #
- New writer Amanda Kidd joins the site and writes about how to be more optimistic. A great article http://bit.ly/nr0xQz #
- Can We Be Social Without Having to Go Out to Eat?: http://EzineArticles.com/6455337 #
- This Too Shall Pass: Optimism is the Key http://nblo.gs/kYP1R #
- Just updated our archive of newsletters; if you haven’t checked it out recently, please do. http://fb.me/DMHeZ1Cl #
- Check out the updated newsletter archive: http://t.co/0G5cSQF #
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