Two huge news stories rocked my world this week.
The first involved a powerful video featuring CNN’s senior international correspondent, Ivan Watson, as he reported from a helicopter flying to Mount Shingal in Northern Iraq. Their mission was to drop supplies to those trapped there. Upon touching down, the aircraft was besieged with hordes of people, so desperate to escape that they were throwing children on board in what Mr. Watson accurately described as “chaotic” and “crazy.”
As they flew back over the front line, with the rat-tat-tat of machine guns firing at the enemy below, the civilians on board were covering their ears, many sobbing uncontrollably, eventually changing to tears of joy as they reached their destination.
Roll forward a few hours.
My son texted me,
“I know you are a big Robin Williams fan. He passed away apparently due to suicide. Beyond sad.”
Again I was surprised as I felt tears well up. [Read more…]