Take a moment each day to realize how fortunate you are – especially when it doesn’t seem like it.
Believe it or not, studies have shown that we are “hard wired” to look for the negatives. When we feel things are difficult or messed up, it affects our mood. When our mood is depressed, our attitude changes. When our attitude changes, others around us react to it, furthering the underlying thought that everything stinks.
Take a moment as you read this to remind yourself of something positive. Be grateful you have that moment. Then, pass along a positive thought to the next person with whom you interact.
This post was partially inspired by what is happening in Japan. Read the post about what you can do.
Note: Every Monday, a new motivational memo is posted. Subscribers to ThisTimeIMeanIt.com’s coaching service get this – and many more benefits – sent to them directly. If you’d like to know more, follow this link.