I really admire this guy, not for his physique (obviously) but he’s the spirit of “Dance like no one’s watching.”
Video: Women’s Workout Exercises from the 1940s
This is a little creepy but fascinating at the same time.
Video: 100 Years of Fitness in 100 Minutes
This is a short video showing one woman do the fitness routines of each decade for the last 100 years.
Reach a Little Further Than You Thought You Could
Sometimes, contrary to popular belief, the key to success is not to “go for the gold” but rather to “reach for the bronze.”
Dieter beware; it’s the Season
I was prompted to write this because I heard an advertisement proclaiming easy weight loss by simply putting drops on one’s tongue.
This always irks me because I hate it that so many people lie about weight loss; taking advantage of the desperate (and unthinking). The only drops one can put in one’s mouth to cause rapid weight loss would be super glue (and I’m not saying to do that of course). Yet, ‘tis the silly season; that yearly ritual where anyone with a megaphone can make false claims about how one can lose weight overnight, without adjusting any behaviors.
Why do so many buy into this time and time again?
Well, let’s start with some facts: According to surveys, the top New Year’s resolutions are: Number One, “spend more time with family and friends;” and number two is “get fit.” “Losing weight” rounds out the top three.
So, it’s obvious that it’s important to many people.
Paradoxically 80 percent of resolutions find their way into the trash heap by January 20, and 92 percent collapse before year’s end. Bottom line? Only eight percent of resolutions survive the year. Why the low success rate? The reality is that so many people are so desperate to shed that weight — and to do it quickly — that they put their brains into neutral, falling for schemes that they’d never accept if they slowed down long enough to think.
Putting on my consumer advocate hat, I therefore did some research to find out what to avoid, should you wish to be one of the successful eight percent instead of the sad 92. Webmd.com listed several diet types to avoid if you wish to successfully lose weight. [Read more…]