One of my more pronounced therapy teachings is, “The child ego state is capable of an ever-escalating level of ‘needs.’”
Disconnecting the psycho-babble, that generally decodes into “kids always want more stuff.”
When I was young, after pestering relentlessly my dad for the latest whiz-bam thingamajig that “all the other kids have,” his reply oft times was, “Why don’t you go out back and pick a few dollars off the money tree and go buy one?”
“What money tree?”
“Yep, you figured it out. Smart boy.” In effect, a wise guy way of saying, “We don’t have any money. No.”
Sixty years later, I still worry about money at the drop of a hat.
Some schoolings don’t leave. I am still praying for a money tree.
In case you haven’t noticed, it’s expensive making it through the current day-to-day.
Between overseeing a household, raising kids (whether two or four-legged), entertainment, and home repairs (let alone trying to save for a rainy day), it’s getting so that take home pay can barely survive the trip. [Read more…]