No matter what your current health and wellness goals look like, chances are you have set these goals to improve your overall quality of life. You set goals because you want to feel better, enjoy life and connect with yourself and others in healthier and more holistic ways. Here are five keys to total wellness that can help you and each of the women you love to achieve your health and wellness goals.
You’ve probably heard more than once, “you are what you eat,” and after hearing it so often, you’ve probably begun to tune it out. But the reason this saying has endured for so many years is because it is true—not literally, of course. This doesn’t mean that you have to refrain from eating foods that taste delicious but are filled with fat and calories; it just means you need to eat a balanced diet. If you know you will be eating fried chicken and chocolate cake at a nighttime cookout, try to eat lighter during the day, focusing mostly on vegetables and fruits. Your body needs certain nutrients to function properly. It needs a combination of healthy carbohydrates, fats and proteins to keep all of its organs and processes running smoothly. Your priority when choosing food must reflect balance if you want to achieve your total wellness goals. Still, experts agree that a splurge now and again won’t hurt. Some experts even encourage having a bit of your favorite things daily to stave off cravings. [Read more…]