Stress creates a huge impact on your mind and body.
Stress might have a slow or a sudden effect on your heart. It might lead to heart diseases and even a life-threatening heart attack. Stress is an unavoidable part of our life; it is not possible to get rid of stress. All you can do is avoid it or find ways to deal with it. You need to take care of yourself first to take care of others. Pay attention to the needs of your body and mind in order to take care of yourself. Follow a few rules of life to deal with stress and see the difference in your health.
Symptoms of stress
Symptoms of stress are sleeplessness, aches and pain, losing and gaining weight, etc. Recognizing the symptoms and working on them is very important to live a healthy life.
Give yourself enough time: Very often we forget ourselves. Remember yourself first, if you want a happy and healthy heart. Be good to yourself and give yourself enough time.
Have food that is healthy for your heart: Avoid food that is full of trans-fats such as a lot of fried food, fast food, cakes, etc. Restrict yourself from taking in a lot or refined sugar. Use food that helps to reduce cholesterol like extra virgin olive oil and garlic with your daily food. Use fish oil as it is very good for your heart and is a source of omega 3 fatty acid.
Have a balanced diet: Your food needs to include everything from minerals to vitamins, proteins, iron, carbohydrate and even fats in a proper proportion. Make sure the food that you consume contains everything your body needs. Make sure you have a balanced diet.
Avoid unhealthy habits: Drinking a lot of alcohol, smoking and a lot of caffeine are not good for the health of your heart. Avoid bad and unhealthy habits. Also avoid food that helps sudden gain and loss of weight. Unhealthy food may strain your body especially your heart.
Make sure you sleep enough: You need proper rest to refresh your body, so that you will ready to face the next day with all your energy. You need to sleep for at least 7 to 8 hours every day. Avoiding rest is the main cause of strain. Working is good but make sure you get enough rest to be fresh.
Regular health check-up: Health-related issues are not something that you should avoid. Just go in for a regular health check up once a year to make sure that nothing unusual cropping up. If anything is, start medication and treat yourself at the earliest.
Exercise is a must: Exercising regularly is the best way to release stress. Start your exercise slowly and gradually. Make sure that you exercise at least 3 to 4 times in a week. Do not over exercise as even that can cause stress. Keep sipping water in between your exercise to keep yourself from getting drained out.
Take in only as much work as you can: The best way to reduce stress is to take in only as much work as your body permits you. The moment you feel it is getting too much, cut the work load. In case of stress, it is better to let a few things go when get unmanageable.
Socialize: At times when you feel low or depressed, it is better to go out and meet friends and relatives. Sharing your feelings and thoughts with people will help you curb your stress. In case you still do not feel better, it is better to see a doctor.
About the author: Amanda Kidd is an avid writer and blogger on health and beauty portal. She is also a firm supporter of nature-based products and always on a look out for tips regarding how to enhance beauty naturally.
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