It’s great to make plans; they are necessary to help you get where you want.
Do not, however, make the mistake of expecting that simply because you made a plan, it will go as expected. That’s an exercise in futility.
It’s much smarter to assume that your plan will only go perfectly until you start it. After that, as they say, “Life is what happens while you’re making other plans.”
When things get tough, keep your head down and your eyes on the prize. (OK, that’s a mixed metaphor which technically would only make sense if your goal was to look at your shoes – but you get the point.)
Expect delays. Expect set backs.
Realize that getting to your goal might even be frustrating some of the time – but it’s better than staying stuck with a habit you don’t like 100% of the time.
As we’ve heard before: “Failing to plan is planning to fail.”
Every Monday, a new motivational memo is posted by Scott “Q” Marcus, Motivational Weight Loss Expert for Baby Boomers and Life Balance and Productivity Expert. Subscribers to and Scott’s coaching service get this – and many more benefits – sent to them directly. If you’d like to get these delivered to your email box (and get a free motivational book of quotations downloaded to your computer), follow this link.
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