“Should” is the word used by the invisible committee of “THEY” to run your life.
You know what it’s like,
“I should be thinner.”“I should be a better parent.”“I should have thought of that before.”
I should. I should. I should.
If you find yourself saying “I should,” you are under the control of the THEM. THEY use the word to put you in your place and to help you feel bad about yourself for not measuring up to an unrealistic standard.
In order to get past that barrier, whenever you hear the word “should” popping up, ask yourself the following three question:
Do I need to do this? (That takes care of your health and the government.)
- Do I want to do this? (That takes care of the little kid who lives inside you.)
- If the roles were reversed, would I want someone else to do this for me? (That takes care of your ethical and moral side.)
If the answer to all three questions is “NO,” don’t do it.
If the answer to any of them is “YES,” go forth. But be proud of the fact that you’re doing it by choice, and not because you were “shoulded” into it.
Oh yes, give others the same slack…
Every Monday, a new motivational memo is posted by Scott “Q” Marcus, Motivational Weight Loss Speaker and Life Balance and Productivity Expert. Subscribers to 21DayHabitChange.com and Scott’s coaching service get this – and many more benefits – sent to them directly. If you’d like to know more, follow this link.
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