by special guest author Eliz Greene. (Note: Join Eliz as our special guest on Feb 22, 2012 at 10AM in a live interview. There is no charge and you can find out more here.)
Each February focuses on Women’s Heart Health – to build awareness, improve treatment, and end research disparities.
Over the past ten years, we’ve done a pretty good job! Most women recognize heart disease as the number one killer of women of all ages.
Are you putting your heart as your #1 priority?
To celebrate Heart Month 2012 – here are 12 ways you can Embrace Your Heart. Share them with a woman you love and ask her to take care of #1 (her heart)!
- Wake Up! The majority of women don’t know their own personal risk of heart disease. Take the time of get your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar checked and have a conversation about your family history, weight, and lifestyle with a medical professional.
- Know The Signs: Women’s symptoms of heart attack can be very subtle. Any unusual pain in your jaw, neck, shoulder, torso – really anywhere from the top of your head to your hips – can be a symptom of heart attack. Uncomfortable pressure, burning or squeezing in your chest, shortness of breath, dizziness, cold sweat, and nausea can all be symptoms as well. Play it safe – call 911 and get help right away.
- Call A Friend: Stress increases your risk of heart disease – one easy way to reduce stress is to talk to a friend. Women who maintain positive relationships with other women reduce their risk by 30%! Girl talk is good for your heart! [Read more…]