- Five reasons you’re always starving A good article from WW. http://bit.ly/PwDW1 #
- If one of your objectives is to lose weight. Here’s an interesting article called “Five Reasons You’re Always… http://fb.me/R9RcDl0H #
- Getting ready for #Valentine #039;s Day with a heart healthy meal for your #diet Not so quickly. A humorous tale: http://bit.ly/hkDfN0 #
- 5 Tips to Accomplish What You Want, 2010’s Attitude Index, V… http://myemail.constantcontact.com/5-Tips-to-Accomplish-What-You-Want–2010- #
- RT @: Double D Diner; The World-s Only VIRTUAL DINER fighting hunger – 2011 PitchIt! Challenge – by… http://ideascale.com/t/UDNuZd12 #
- I meant is when I said I would donate more and now a great cause needs your help – and it won’t cost you a cent…. http://fb.me/zw0FcuRy #
- @Marketing_Buddy Great video tutorial. Thanks for posting it. #
- Just a quick thanks for pushing me over 100 followers. I know it’s not much (yet) but it’s truly appreciated. Thank you. #
- It’s time to make your February #resolutions Huh? Read the article at http://bit.ly/hVgEai #goals #thistimeimeanit #ttimi #
- The Valentines Day Meal: A Heart Healthy Alternative: http://EzineArticles.com/5892570 #
- February Resolutions: They’re Not Just for January Anymore!: http://EzineArticles.com/5893014 #
- Coming to the south in May; could use a quick favor http://conta.cc/ef7qbc via #constantcontact #
- In the south & need a fun presenter in early May? Topics: http://www.scottqmarcus.com/topics.html Video: http://bit.ly/fTrx5P Pls RT. Tx #
- Read The ThisTime IMean It.com Daily ▸ today’s top stories via @veryaw @apichea and @bobmorse ▸ http://t.co/Z6Z5GLo #
- The ThisTime IMean It.com Daily is out! http://bit.ly/hnB122 ▸ Top stories today via @moleseyspeaks @badgeville #
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