Note: This last weekend was the launch of my seminar series, “Five Things You Must Know To Make Your Life Better.” Over the next few weeks, we’ll take a quick look at each one of the five.
#1: Be sparkingly clear about what you want.
The number one reason people don’t move forward is they don’t describe their desired outcome well. They say things like “I want to feel better” or “I want to be more organized.”
Without concrete descriptions, you’ll always feel like you’re falling short.
Describe success in as much depth as you can.
Use numbers whenever possible. Create images. Focus on the feelings of being successful. Use concrete descriptions.
Counter-productive examples:
- I want to be more organized.
- I will lose weight.
Positive examples:
- I will clean and arrange one drawer in my office every week until every drawer is completed.
- I will weight 175 pounds and wear a size 32 pair of pants comfortably
Don’t be fuzzy when it comes to what you want unless it’s a pair of slippers.
Every Monday, a new motivational memo is posted by Scott “Q” Marcus, Motivational Weight Loss Expert for Baby Boomers and Life Balance and Productivity Expert. Subscribers to and Scott’s coaching service get this – and many more benefits – sent to them directly. If you’d like to know more, follow this link.
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