As I’ve said before: “People don’t buy what they need, they buy what they want. (They back it with logic.)” What that means is the that people (um, that’s you, me, and your customers) first respond to the feelings of the message. Then – and only then – do they analyze the details, deciding if they want to buy.
With that in mind, Tourism Australia has launched this absolutely brilliant ad campaign.
What makes it so brilliant?
I’m glad you asked.
In light of our current economy, travel is really at a low point so they had to do something different. So, notice how this ad appeals to:
- The fact that people are working exceptionally hard to make ends meet
- People in poor weather conditions
- Upscale (they are not as affected by the current economic situation)
- The sense of “magic” and romance that is within each of us
From the moment this ad starts, one feels — not like he or she is watching an ad — but more like he’s been pulled into a movie. My wife and I first thought this was a trailer (promo) for a new major theatrical release. This makes sense when one realizes that the campaign is produced, written, and directed by Baz Luhrmann, who has been nominated for the Oscar, and has directed, written, produced (or some combination of all):
A few other notes of interest
Notice how long the ad is. Most ads are 30″ (maybe 60″). However, this ad is 90 seconds, ususally the length of those annoying late-night TV ads yelling, “But wait! There’s more!” at you. (Which, by the way, are called “PI”s for “per inquiry.”) Apparently, as they decided results were more important than staying within the ususal confines of TV advertising. Wow! What a concept!
One other things stands out, but you have to look for it…
In order to write this post, I had to do a search to find a place where I could embed the ad. Of course, I started with “Australia Tourism commercial,” and after a few refinements, ending up at Tourism Australia. On that page, you see a link to view the new ad campaign (apparently, they’re very proud of it — and rightly so). Anyway, at that link, one has a choice of two ads, one for (what I presume is) the United States; the other for the Japanese.
On this ad that it’s tailored to the Japanese culture (um, which would make sense). Notice the difference in background music. Notice that it’s male-centered.
However, the thing I first thought — being someone who focuses on marketing — is that Japan must be a large souce of tourism for Australia. Sure enough, according to an article on Wikipedia, it is the #2 source of short term visits to Australia.
The bottom line?
- Know your target
- Appeal to emotions
- Don’t get stuck with what was “always done”
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