By Emanuel Rose
My drivers license said I weighed 190 pounds, even though a few years ago I found myself looking at 226 on the scale I was standing on. Shocked and surprised as all middle aged men who have been saying to themselves “ I can still move around just fine.”
I resolved to drop that extra weight.
I had lost the weight before, so I started running a few minutes on the treadmill and taking some classes at the closest HealthSPORT. I dropped 10 pounds that first year and then put all that weight back on and had to start over the next January.
That next year I hired a personal trainer, met with the nutritionist and allowed myself to be “talked” into going on a diet that I followed intermittently. That got me to 206, but I was stuck, not because I wasn’t getting good direction, but because I hadn’t gotten completely committed to the program.
To get to what my driver’s license said, I had to be committed to the lifestyle change the professionals at HealthSPORT that I hired recommended for me. In addition to exercise, I needed to eat more protein, minimize carbs and supplement my food with fish oil and specific nutritional supplements. I got to 190 and I have been there for a few weeks and I have a plan to stay there.