Find ways to honor those who sacrifice.
Today’s Motivational Memo was obviously inspired by the fact that it’s Memorial Day and we need to honor those who have served our country – and especially those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.
However, without diminishing our armed services, it’s importantly to remember that we can also honor the sacrifice of others who make our communities better.
For example, those people who:
- Teach our children
- Protect our streets
- Take care of our children and our elderly
- Minister to our poor
- Keep us healthy
- Volunteer for the needy and less fortunate
- Watch over their neighbors
If you know a veteran, take the time today to salute him or her.
If you don’t I’m sure you’ll find someone else who could be honored and remembered. (You might only need to look in the mirror.)
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Every Monday, a new motivational memo is posted. Subscribers to’s coaching service get this – and many more benefits – sent to them directly. If you’d like to know more, follow this link.
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