- Asking for help – we all need to do it periodically…. http://t.co/P5E8vhb #
- Ring the bells that still can ring, Forget your perfect offering , There is a crack in everything , That’s how the light gets in. – L. Cohen #
- @sonyafunk Thank you for publicizing my column in the Red Bluff Daily news, I appreciate it – Scott “Q” Marcus #
- Guest writer Dave Berman from Manifest Positivity puts up a great post on the blog. How can Neuro Linguistic… http://t.co/PM3Hefb #
- Check out my latest articles: http://t.co/zSOKMIB #
- Updates to our archives. If you haven’t checked them out in awhile, there’s a lot of great information there. http://t.co/xHzzOHv #
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