- If you need a good laugh and some motivation, take 2 minutes and watch this video from Clarke & Dawe. You’ll love it. http://bit.ly/eLBhow #
- The ThisTime IMean It.com Daily is out! http://bit.ly/i89M9f #
- Need help; making a short video about “what matters.” I.e. “I’m (name); remember to smile” or “love deeply… (cont) http://deck.ly/~qA4mZ #
- Interesting article about resolutions. Worth checking out… http://fb.me/TSkRlCHI #
- @donnaraesmith Great article on resolutions.; fits in my view exactly. I posted it on my FB page & retweeted. Thanks for putting it up. #
- @TherapyCanada Tx for the ppost about how to avoid #procrastination Great article. #
- I’m working on my monthly attitude survey about how people feel. 4 Questions. Confidential. No hooks. Pls go to http://bit.ly/h07JbY Tx. #
- The ThisTime IMean It.com Daily is out! http://bit.ly/i89M9f ▸ Top stories today via @mrbrandonmarcus @ownyourmoney @africabizexec #
- A video of how we celebrated the first annual This Time I Mean It Day. Thanks to those who helped me make it. http://bit.ly/fHOxeL #
- The Inner Voice: Whether to Turn Down or Accept Offered Goodies While Dieting: http://EzineArticles.com/5978613 #
- The ThisTime IMean It.com Daily is out! http://bit.ly/hnB122 ▸ Top stories today via @tweettheoracle @veryaw @findyourpeak #
- How Intention Can Hurt or Help, January’s Attitude Index… http://myemail.constantcontact.com/How-Your-Intention-Can-Hurt-or-Help-You– #
- Newsletter all about #goal #attitude #motivation #resolutions – and lots of videos. Posted on line at http://conta.cc/i1p9L7 #
- The ThisTime IMean It.com Daily is out! http://bit.ly/i89M9f ▸ Top stories today via @toastmasters #
- OK, it’s totally ego driven, but today was the 2nd biggest day I’ve had at my site; I need 14 people to break the… http://fb.me/TMSeigL1 #
- The ThisTime IMean It.com Daily is out! http://bit.ly/i89M9f ▸ Top stories today via @shelleyriutta #
- The ThisTime IMean It.com Daily is out! http://bit.ly/hnB122 #
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