There are three kinds of people in the world; those that are good at math and those that aren’t.
OK, old joke, but still funny.
How about this one?
There are two kinds of people in the world, those that eat when stressed, and those who don’t understand the situation well enough to be stressed. (If you’ve never had to lose weight, you won’t find that as humorous as those who do; sorry.)
I have a friend who’s beanpole skinny. “How do you stay thin?” I asked.
Replied this wisp of a man, “When I’m stressed, I lose my appetite.” Say what? Not eat when frazzled; on how many levels is that wrong?
So, I’m supposed to speak in another state in a few weeks. The agreement was executed early this year. Last month the phone rings.
“Hi Scott. We’re having budget issues, which requires the governor to now review every personal services contract to see if we’re going to go ahead with the agreement.”
“OK,” I reply, “This affects me how?”
“You have one of those types of agreements. But,” my contact quickly appends, “don’t worry, (famous last words) they’ve given a green light to the conference so we should have everything worked out in a couple days. After all, we can’t have a convention without speakers, can we?”