I don’t care how hard one tries to “look on the bright side.” There are times when “stuff” happens and it’s just plain difficult to get back to an upbeat view.
These three tips will help you feel better quickly.
1. Ask yourself “Will what is happening right now really matter five years from now?”
If the answer is “no,” then take a deep breath and settle down. Realize – in the big picture – all is okay and relax. If the answer is “yes,” then it’s essential that you keep a clear head and deal with the problem. A bad attitude certainly won’t help.
If the answer is “no,” then take a deep breath and settle down. Realize – in the big picture – all is okay and relax. If the answer is “yes,” then it’s essential that you keep a clear head and deal with the problem. A bad attitude certainly won’t help.
2. Don’t borrow trouble.
When I used to get nervous and worried about something that might happen, my grandmother used to tell me that I was “borrowing trouble.” Today we might call it “imagining the worst case scenario.” So, ask yourself, isit really as bad as I’m making it out to be? (Be honest, most times, it’s not.) If it actually is, see the second half of Tip #1. If it isn’t, see the first half of Tip #1.
When I used to get nervous and worried about something that might happen, my grandmother used to tell me that I was “borrowing trouble.” Today we might call it “imagining the worst case scenario.” So, ask yourself, isit really as bad as I’m making it out to be? (Be honest, most times, it’s not.) If it actually is, see the second half of Tip #1. If it isn’t, see the first half of Tip #1.
3. Do you have control over the situation?
if the answer is “yes,” do something about it. Decisions terminate panic. Panic generates a bad attitude. Negative attitudes can be caused by feeling like we’re victims. If the answer is “it’s out my control,” do what you have to do and try and make the best out of it.
if the answer is “yes,” do something about it. Decisions terminate panic. Panic generates a bad attitude. Negative attitudes can be caused by feeling like we’re victims. If the answer is “it’s out my control,” do what you have to do and try and make the best out of it.
One last thing: remember, that even people with a “positive attitude,” don’t have a positive attitude all the time.
Don’t beat yourself up for slipping up. Hey, you’re human, you know?
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