It’s time for a rant!
I have to vent!
I like Facebook (one might be able to tell by the time I spend there. Sigh…). HOWEVER, just because I’ve agreed to be a friend does NOT mean I want to receive an invitation (more accurately called “advertisement”) to EVERY FREAKIN’ EVENT someone is doing. (Besides, I thought Twitter was the place for annoying advertisements… Just joking… )
Today, I got the next in a series of invitations to attend a law forum (do I look like a lawyer?) in Wyoming (am I even NEAR Wyoming?) telling me how to improve my failing law practice (I guess since I didn’t know I was a lawyer in Wyoming, it explains why my practice has not been doing well). I have received from this “friend” a new law forum invitation every week and they’re never near me and I always say “NO” (do you think he’d get the hint?).
Why do I continue to get all these Facebook invites?
I apparently have some “friends” who don’t give a damn if I’m interested – or if I can attend – I’ve just become part of their daily broadcasts. I want to keep them as friends but I don’t want to merely be a vehicle by which they promote. Sure, go ahead and promote what you’re doing sometimes. I want to know. I want to help. I might even want to attend. But, be somewhat selective.
In marketing, I learned, it’s about:
- Know Me
- Like Me
- Trust Me
- Buy Me
If all you do is send me ads, oops, I mean “invitations,” and you don’t care if I fit, you don’t know me, to be honest, I won’t particularly like you, I certainly won’t trust you – and I can assure you that I will not buy from you. Most likely, the response will be “unfriend.”
If you think it’s something I might like, please invite me. (And I realize we all make mistakes so sometimes it won’t fit.) However, If I just wanted a big ol’ list of advertisements in the morning, I’d get a penny shopper.
I’m sorry. I try to be positive. Once in awhile it just gets to me.
I feel better now. I am returning to sanity.
P.S. Now, please send this to everyone you know, whether you think it would be of value to him or her or not.
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