- Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-26 http://nblo.gs/jFlTq #
- @MyProfSpeaker Thanks again for promoting my article in the Manteca Bulletin. I appreciate it. – Scott “Q” Marcus #
- Video: One Perfect Day http://nblo.gs/jGL7m #
- Facebook Friend Invitations: The New Spammers http://nblo.gs/jIjFD #
- Monday Motivational Memo: Finding Positive Intent http://nblo.gs/jIjFC #
- Nearing end of the month & I’m short of my monthly goal by 25. Please answer 4 anonymous questions at http://bit.ly/h07JbY & pass this on. #
- Quotation from Thomas Jefferson about Imperfection http://nblo.gs/jM56m #
- Dog Teaches Man: How Adopting a Rescue Dog Reminds us About Attitude http://nblo.gs/jO32J #
- How can adopting a dog teach us how to change our own attitude and habits? An enjoyable column. http://bit.ly/ig5wo0 #
- Dog Trains Man: How a Rescued Dog Taught Its Owner Some New Tricks: http://EzineArticles.com/6389591 #
- Video: The Value of Time http://nblo.gs/jQt3N #
- Last day of the month – please check in with your answers at http://www.AttitudeIndex.com (I still need about 10 replies to hit goal.) Thanks. #
- Effective Communication Skills: The Key to a Happier and Healthier Lifestyle http://nblo.gs/jTO6V #
- Check out my latest articles: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Scott_Marcus #
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