- Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-19 http://nblo.gs/jknWB #
- If you’re trying to lose weight, and you always find yourself hungry, here’s an interesting article from Weight… http://fb.me/PK7EALmQ #
- Monday Motivational Memo: How to Overcome Procrastination http://nblo.gs/jpdMv #
- Are you a perfectionist? Take this 10 question quiz and find out. Very cool…. http://fb.me/WPjjS2dg #
- Working on a long-term survey on #attitude 4 questions. Confidential. Please answer at http://bit.ly/h07JbY and RT. Thanks. #
- Will things ever return to how they were? Are we becoming more pessimistic? (Plus videos & humor) Latest ezine: http://conta.cc/lNdn3U #
- The economy & our lifestyles will never return to how they were. This is the New Normal. How do we accept it? My take: http://bit.ly/lCHqKW #
- The New Normal: The Economy Will NEVER Return to How It Was – And What to Do About That: http://EzineArticles.com/6372951 #
- Video: This Time I Mean to Get a Parking Space! http://nblo.gs/jC5NZ #
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