“So, Scott,” she said, “What are you going to do to get more in shape?”
“I’ve been considering more exercise.”
“Do you still ride a bike?”
“Not since the accident. Besides,” I justified, “It’s still broken.”
“Wasn’t that accident a year ago?”
(Looking at my feet, mumbling), “Um, yes.”
“How long until you repair it?”
“Um, I don’t know. Soon? I guess…” (my voice trailed into silence)
“Okay, that’s going nowhere. Are you still doing yoga?”
“Not since my bike accident.”
“I don’t see the correlation, but if you’re not riding your bike or doing yoga, what are you doing?”
Reaching, reaching, reaching… “Walking!” I snapped back. “Yeah, right! I walk soooo much now! Wow! I’m a walkin’ fool.”
“Good for you! Is it helping?”
“Um, no, not really.” (I returned to starting at my feet and mumbling.)
“Why don’t you do something else?”
“I don’t like anything else.”
“Really?! Out of all the possibilities, you can’t think of one single thing you’d enjoy?”
Realizing how silly I sounded, I decided — per Mark Twain — ‘twas better to keep my mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt.
They had me cornered; they were circling. [Read more…]