In honor of Father’s Day this coming Sunday…
My first book (and my most popular book in terms of sales) is called “The Shade of a Tree is the Very Best there is.” I wrote it when my oldest son (now 33) was moving out on his own. I wanted him to have all the wisdom I could possibly impart on him. The book consists of 135 motivational quotes for all occasions. I’ve been flattered that some groups use it as a weekly lesson guide to start a conversation.
(Truth be told, I don’t know how good the advice was because he moved back in a few years later. ?)
Two pieces of advice from my book:
“Realize that no matter how far away your father is physically, he will always be part of you spiritually.”
“Call your father. He will always ‘be there.’ But not necessarily on your timetable.”
No matter the relationship we had with our parents, they are part of us. They gave us life. We are forever connected to them through time and history.
And one more (not found in my book, but still of value)…
Honor the positives. Forgive the negatives. We’re all doing the best we know how to do.
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