I actually caught wind of this while reading USA Today in Salt Lake City airport on my way home from Montana. (So, who says advertising doesn’t work?)
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Qr8QXWzT9U&feature=player_embedded]Aside from the fact that I do believe we need to help rein in global warning, it also appeals to my idea of making things really simple for the buyer. Of course, in this case, the “buyer” is merely “buying” the idea. I mean, we all know we need to do more to help the environment. Well, maybe not ALL of us, but those of us who pay attention to the news know this.
So, what’s the problem?
The problem is — marketing rule #1 — people don’t buy what they need, they buy what they want. I might need to make changes but if it’s too much of a hassle, I won’t do it. Earth Hour gives people one simple thing to do. It might not change the world, but it helps people feel empowered in some small way.
Once you feel like you “own” the product, you’re more inclined to buy the remainder of the concept.
The lesson?
Make it as easy as possible to get involved with your product.
Thanks for promoting Earth Hour! Another way you can recruit people to the cause is by creating a Earth Hour group on Commit21.com. Simply create a group about one action that you will commit to do for Earth Hour and recruit your friends, family, and co-workers to get involved in that action as well. When it comes to climate change, simple actions can make huge differences and Commit21 leverages social media to influence networks of friends, family, and co-workers. Check it out at http://www.commit21.com/