If you’re interested in helping others get more of what they want – and you’re a good writer looking for some publicity, inbound links, and more traffic to your site(s) – and you are interested in getting in on the ground floor of something way, righteously bitchen, we could use your help! We’d love to tell you that that you’ll make copious amounts of money but, um, that would not be true as we cannot pay (yet). But you can make a difference, be greatly appreciated (and maybe someday, make alot of coin).
If that sounds good to you, there are several ways you can get involved, ranging from writing on this blog to getting published in Two Words magazine. (You can see issue #1 below.) Before applying to write for us, please read our statement of principles to make sure you would be appropriate for us – as well as us for you. Also, take a look at the writing style examples we prefer. After you do those, check out the various methods we can work together, which follows the embedded magazine below.
Different methods of writing for ThisTimeIMeanit.com
1. You can write for our blog to help increase links to your own site to increase your optimization rankings.
How does this work?
Write as often or as rarely as you wish. All writers will be listed in a special section on the sidebar of this page, causing a link to their site of choosing. You can “re-purpose” prior writings so you don’t have to do something special just for us. You can include appropriate links to other sites and, of course, you can include a resource box to get credit.
2. You can write for the newsletter which will drive traffic to your site.
The ThisTimeIMeanIt.com newsletter goes out monthly to people who are looking for inspiration, humor, motivation, support, and insights into accomplishing more and enjoying the process. In order to give the most return to our readers – as well as to our writers – we put a small amount of content in the newsletter itself and then we put links to the remainder of the content. This means that our readers can pick and choose what they want to read and that the newsletter is not cumbersome when it shows up in their e-mailbox. This also means that the not only are the writers publicized in the newsletter itself, but if someone is interested in the content, they will click through directly to the writer’s site!
How it works:
- You post an article on your site (or use one that’s already written)
- We post the first paragraph or so in the newsletter
- We post your bio and a few other links in the newsletter
- At the end of the paragraph, we post a “read more…” link which goes directly to your website; once there readers can look at other links, sign up for offers, and maybe even buy some products.
It’s truly a win-win scenario. (You can see archives of our older newsletter here. To see a sample of how they are constructed to allow links to your site, look at this issue. Please note, everything was re-designed in 2011 but the concept is the same.
3. You can write for Two Words magazine
This is currently on hold as we build up the website, but it is included in one of our coaching membership packages. Writing for Two Words magazine puts you in a beautiful, four color inspirational magazine. You get several copies as compensation and can order as many as you want at cost.
If you’re interested in knowing more about the magazine, you can follow this link. The magazine is definitely coming back so please stay in touch.
The bottom line
ThisTimeIMeanit.com is truly dedicated to win-win scenarios that benefit all concerned. We are looking for relationships that build traffic for us and for those involved. We’re new and we’re growing and we hope you’ll come with us.
Interested? Contact us by filling out the form below.
Please note, we are NOT looking for articles about religion, politics, college, career management, employee motivation, diet supplements, diets, handling prescription drugs problems, anything related to supplements, nor activity or exercise plans. We are looking for articles that deal with the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about change. If that topic happens to include reference to any of those subjects, we might consider it. We are NOT looking for blatant advertising pitches however.
If you would like to see all the guest author posts to date, you can follow this link.